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Tag Archives: istinja
Giving ghusl to the dead
Can you explain to me how to give ghusl to a dead person… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged agarbati, bathing the dead, body preparations, burial of deceased, camphor, caring for deceased, covering `awra, dead body, Fard-i-Kifaayah, fiqh, funeral prayers, ghusl, incense, Islamic Law, istinja, janazah, kaffan, lobaan, salat al-janaza, sawg, shroud
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Prayer Request: For Help, Ya Shaykh
Salaam Shaykh I am in need of your du’as please.I feel Allah is upset with me.My mum is the sole earner and works part-time.I am trying to find a job where i can go Dhikr and Jum’a… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged financial difficulty, istinja, waswas
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Istinja during monthly period
I am a new muslima and wondering what women may do after going to toilet during their period. It seems a bit strange not to do any kind of ablution when you leave the toilet. Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged istinja, menses, menstruation, monthly period, purification, washing
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