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Tag Archives: leave disobedience
Secret Powers in Islam
I want to ask that is there any kind of power through which a person can see somebody’s past or get to know about him. Actually my boyfriend try… Continue reading
Cleansing from Haram
In the past I have made a lot of mistakes and commit a lot of major sins. One of it is making Haram income which involves alcohol, drugs and other things. Sometimes I steal and gamble… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged cleansing of sins, commited sins, haram behavior, kaba'ir, leave disobedience, maghfirah, sincere repentance, tawbah
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About Loud Dhikr
Many people say that in the traditional Naqshabandiya the Dhikr is done in silently,they also say that there is no Hadra… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged dhikrullah, heedlessness, leave disobedience
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Rabita Shareef
Is it true, if I inshAllah attain annihilation in Mawlana Q.S., I’ll cease to be sinful and whispers of Shaytan shall have no effect on me? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged annihilation, cleaning the heart, cleansing bad character, Divine Presence, fana, fana fi 'sh-shaykh, fana fillah, give up iradah, humbleness, leave disobedience, level, meditation, polishing the heart, Sufi meditation, suhbat, taming the ego
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