Tag Archives: living shaykh
Baya with Sheikh Hisham After Sultan ul-Auliya
I am very confused about my living sheykh after passing of Sultan ul-Auliya. I came to know that one mureed must be under a living sheykh. So should I take baya with Maulana Sheykh Hisham as he is a representative of Sultan on which I can do muraqaba, meditation? Continue reading
Is it necessary to follow a Sufi saint or a tarikat for the one who loves the path of Sufism? Continue reading
The Need for a Living Guide
I,aged 63, living in India, was a mureed of local Shaykh [private] of Qadiriya Chistiya tariqa, who passed away a few years ago Continue reading
Does one need a living shaykh?
does one need a living shaykh to advanace along the path or can one be able to study the teaching(books,audios,videos) and study with the students of a deceased shaykh and still be able to merge with Allah(swt). Continue reading
Dream: Istikharah for taking a tariqat
I got offer for tariqat and am confused to take it or not,… Continue reading