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Tag Archives: maintain wudu
Madhur or not?
I have a problem related to excessive flatulence and urine drops. However my problem is not constant, there are times when I can pray easily without breaking wudu but most of the time I pass wind and urine drops even in very small amounts, despite all excercises to help empty my bowel and urethra. Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged `udhr, broken wudu, excuse, flatulence, maintain wudu, renew wudu, urine problem
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Prayer Request: A jinn is living in my house
I have a jinn in the house. The jinn is confined in our upstairs bedroom, where I pray and study… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged aviod anger, haunted house, heart connection, importance of dhikr, jinn disturbance, maintain wudu, rabitah, sleep on wudu
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Mazhab and Prayers
1) I live in a country where majority are Shafi’e Mazhab.However, after marriage I made intention to switch to Hanafi… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged change, check, community, country, difficult, fard, Hanafi School, madhhab, maintain wudu, majority, make-up prayers, marriage, missed, obligations, obligatory prayers, Prayers, salat, Shafi`i School, sunnah prayers, switch, touch, wife, wudu
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Dream: Ablution
Dream: Salaam alaykum, It has been some time since I had the dream. In the dream there was a person who was teaching me how to do ablution in a masjid. I could not see the person’s face. What is … Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ablution, cleansing of sins, maintain wudu, masjid, Sayyidina al-Khidr, sins, teaching, unknown person, wudu
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