Tag Archives: milk
Mix fish and milk
What are the rulings of mixing fish and milk as food in Hanafi school? Continue reading
Dream: Milk and honey
omeone was pouring milk and honey in a bowl in front of me… Continue reading
Dream: Cow/Goat/Camel
I saw a camel/cow/goat in my dream and i milked it and drank the milk,it was nice. The animal was nice and clean. I am not sure what animal it was… Continue reading
Wudhu Milk
A while ago I had a dream that I was doing wudhu in a masjid fountain, but I was doing it with milk.. Continue reading
Dream: A beautiful giant tree with many crows on its branches
My mother saw a very big tree in a house courtyard; she says this tree (Jaal tree in… Continue reading
Dream: Grandfather announcing my marriage
I dreamt few days back, before Fajr, that my Grandfather (expired) announces to my family that my marriage… Continue reading
Natural cure for Asthma
Some asked a question for the natural cure for asthma,… Continue reading
Not lactating
I cannot breastfeed my 2.5 months old baby girl since there is no breastmilk from me,.. Continue reading
Dream: Breastfeeding
My friend saw a dream in which she was breastfeeding her own baby and in the dream she wasn’t sure if she would b able to produce milk… Continue reading