Tag Archives: Muhyidin ibn `Arabi
About becoming a mureed
I have asked permission to be a Naqshbandi Shaykh’s mureed and I was granted permission. I haven’t started practising the dhikr’s but my question is… Continue reading
Hadith of Visit of Shaytan
What is the authenticity of this hadith? Continue reading
Could you tell me where I can find this hadith in Ibn Arabi’s books.. Continue reading
Belief of Pharoah?
Was ‘The Seal of the Wisdom of Sublimity in the Word of Musa’ truly written by Ibn Arabi?… Continue reading
Superiority of the Gawthul A’zam over the Seal of Muhammadan Awliya
I have read that Shaykh Ibn ‘Arabi (RA) is the Seal of Muhammadan Awliya. Does this mean he is the last and most perfect of those type of Awliya? Continue reading
124,000 Anbiya, 313 Messengers
Q: I have been hearing from here and there that the number of the prophets that sent by Allah are 124.000, so is the number of the Wali`s. Is there any proof from the Quraan or Sunnah supporting this fact? Continue reading
Is Habib Ali Jifri the awaited Imam Al Mahdi?
Q: Recently there is a big discussion going on in one of the threads started there, that Shayk Habib Ali Jiffri suits the criteria for being the awaited Mahdi and many people on that forum has had dreams of Shayk Habib Ali Jiffri being the awaited Mahdi. Continue reading