Tag Archives: nafila
Fasting the 27th of Rajab (Laylat al-Isra wal-Mi`raj) – حكم صيام يوم 27 من شهر رجب؟
ما حكم صيام يوم السابع والعشرين من شهر رجب؟
What is the ruling on fasting the day of 27th of Rajab? Continue reading
Posted in Siyam - Fasting, Sunnah
Tagged Fasting, isra and mi`raj, nafila, siyam, voluntary fast
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salah between asr and magrib
Asalamu alykum. I heard that between asr and magrib no salah not even nafal salah CANNOT be offered.. and between magrib and isha… Please clarify.
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Fiqh question about salat in the hanafi madhab
I’ve been living in france, i’m french muslim. my parents were from Portugal. I’ve been naqshbandi mureed of Mawlana for 2 years… Continue reading