Tag Archives: newborn
Shaving Newborn’s HairQuestion: Couper les cheveux du nouveau-né
Q: Hope you are well and in the best of health, on the back of the question with regards to shaving of the hair after birth – is there any Islamic relevance to this?[fr]J’ espère que vous allez bien et avez une excellente santé. A propos de la question concernant le rasage des cheveux des bébés à la naissance -…[/fr] Continue reading
Regarding Newborn and Mother
Questions: My questions are regarding newborn babies and new mothers: Q1. Is it true that relatives are prohibited from visiting a baby after maghreb, if coming from outside the house? Answer: No it is not prohibited. Q2. Is it also … Continue reading
40 Days Seclusion after Childbirth
Q: Is it true that during the 40 days (after giving birth) women have to remain at home? Continue reading
Shaving Newborn’s Hair
I have always wondered why some people shave the baby’s hair a few days after his birth?
It is Sunnah to shave the baby’s hair seven days after its birth. Continue reading