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Tag Archives: nikah
Illegitimate child
I am a huge sinner. My husband and I had a child through illegitimate ways (zina). [fr]I am a huge sinner. My husband and I had a child through illegitimate ways (zina). [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Halal & Haram
Tagged al-Ghafoor, Allah swt, ar-Raheem, as-Sattar, child, corrected, fixed, forgiveness, happiness, happy, hope, illegitimate, marriage, mistake, nikah, pregnant, repent, repentance, sin, The Most Merciful, zina
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Marriage to a non-Muslim man
Is it okay for a Muslim sister to marry a man who is pious but not a Muslim but Christian?[fr]Is it okay for a Muslim sister to marry a man who is pious but not a Muslim but Christian?[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Women's Issues
Tagged faith, marriage, Muslim woman, nikah, non-Muslim man, Sunnah
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nikah e misyar
What is nikah e misyar and is it halal? Continue reading
Nikah Mutaah
Q: Please can u enlighten me and the readers about the validity of nikah mutaah? Continue reading
Mahr Calculation
Q: I want to know about mehar concept and how it is calculated? Is it true that a husband commits a sin if he does not pay the mehar immediately after marriage? Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Halal & Haram
Tagged contract, dowry, husband, jewelry, mahr, marriage, nikah, requirement, wife
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Wali Nikah for Adopted daughter
Assalamu’alaikum wr wb, Bismillahirahmaanirahiim, Allahuma Sali ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmain May Allah always grants long life and health to Mawlana Shaikh Nazim qs, Mawlana Shaikh Hisham qs and all family, and also all eshaikh member, … Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Halal & Haram
Tagged adoptive father, father, marriage, nikah, wali
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Marriage Without Parents’ Approval
…I also do not wish to hurt my parents by telling them that I did nikah without telling them. So me and my husband have decided that his family will ask for my hand in marriage from my parents…. Continue reading