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Tag Archives: nine points
The Shaykhs of the Two Wings
Reading the great book about the History of the Saints of the Golden Chain, written by Shaykh Hisham. I’ve read about the “Shaykhs of the Two Wings.” Are they just 9 in number, in every “age”, in every historical period? Do they consider all humankind as their followers? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged 360 points, 9, destiny, enneagram, forty sciences, Golden Chain, highest levels, mifsal, nine, nine points, numerals, numerology, pure awesome, Shaykh Hisham, Shaykhs of the two wings, spiritual, spirituality, two wings
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What is being moved when reciting La ilaha illallah
Mawlana said to us to make our head follow the movement of “something” being moved from under the navel to our forehead and to the right shoulder and finally to our heart while reciting la ilah illallah. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged chakra, dhikrullah, lataif of heart, nine points
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How to open the Lataaifs
I have spent three years of my life in researching on HOW to open the lataaifs but unfortunately have not been able to find the actual zikr… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged dominion of the heart, Grandshaykh Khalid al-Baghdadi, inner secrets, lata'if, lataif of heart, lateefa, latifa, naqshi, nine points, nurmuhammad.com, salawat sharifah, six powers of the heart, spiritual levels, spiritual openings, supplication, wazifa
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