Tag Archives: oath
Broken oath
I want to donate money after breaking a oath where do I donate and how much? Continue reading
Kaffarah question
Few years back I had made an intention to construct wudu deck of a particular masjid if my problems are solved Continue reading
A conditional vow made to God
If a person makes a vow to God (not knowing it was wrong), that if you give me this, I’ll give this much Continue reading
I need help
Asalamulaikum to all at sufilive and Eshaykh.com and all the beloved shaykhs. Today I write you all because I have made a big mistake. I called an online istakhara on TV. I asked about me and my husband. Continue reading
Adağı yerine getirmek (Fulfulling a Vow)
I made a debt upon myself (a vow) to recite 30,000 salawat. If I recite the following salawat as mentioned on your Sufilive.com/Salawat website, will my vow be fulfilled? Continue reading
Breaking Oath
I promised my wife taking oath on my daughter that whatever money I give to my father and mother I will inform her. But now I want to break the promise as it is creating lot of problems for me… Continue reading
Tafsir: Surah 56 (Waqia) Verse 75-80
Could you tell me the Tafsir of Verse 75-80 in Surah 56 (Waqia)… Continue reading
Donation Intention
I need to make expiation for breaking a promise. If I want to feed people, can I do it through SufiLive donation? And, if so, what should I put for the reason of donation… Continue reading
Find the Right Sheikh!
I was wondering whether i should do bayah or not to a sheikh that lives quite a distance. Continue reading
The Most Powerful Wazifa
i want to recite the most powerful wird wazifa even if i die Continue reading