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Tag Archives: obligatory prayers
Performing Salat in Aircraft Lavatories
I’m working as a flight attendant and my company does not allow any form of religious activities on board across all religions… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged airplane, banned, bathroom, five daily prayers, lavatory, najasat, najis, obligatory prayers, perform prayers, privacy, private, qada, restroom, rules at work, salat. permissible, toilet, washroom, water closet, work restrictions
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Shining Light on Forehead
I wanted to ask you what is the meaning of this i have a line on my forehead it is like a light in the middle of my forehead in between my eyebrows and it is sometimes bright… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged abundant salawat, connection to Prophet (s) spiritual sustenance, nur on face, obligatory prayers, shining face, spiritual presence
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Istikhara Request for a Suitable Marriage Partner
Please can you do istakhara on behalf of [private] he wants to marry a girl called [private] if this is beneficial in terms of his faith and worldly life… Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce, Prayer Request
Tagged istikhara request, obligatory prayers, suitable marriage partner
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Prayer Request: Coming Away from Prayer
I would like to ask what I could do or read in order to continue praying Salah in the way I used to. This is my second month Praying full five prayers…s Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request, Salat - Prayer
Tagged congregational prayer, group prayer, obligatory prayers, perform prayers, reward of salat jama`ah, struggling
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What happens when Prayers are Missed?
I want to know what happens if one does not pray? and what happens if one does pray but accidentally misses a prayer, does it mean that the person has to make it up… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged five daily prayers, importance of salat, obligatory prayers
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Zikr without prayer
If a person performs zikr to Allah for 5-6 hours a day. And the person is doing this for years and years. The person does not pray… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged dhikr, dhikrullah, fard, ikhlas, importance of salat, obligatory prayers, skip, spiritual practices
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Du`a during Sajdah
I have a question with regards to asking duah in sijdah during salaat… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged Arabic recitation, du`a, native language, obligatory prayers, optional prayers, salat
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Making up the missed fard prayers
I thought the missed fard prayers cannot be made up. How do I make up all the fard prayers… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged istighfar, neglected obligations, nightly devotion, obligatory prayers
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Prayer Request: For Blessings on Marriage
I am about to be engaged. I know this boy very well and I do want to be with him… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged blessed life, consistent, engagement, istikhara prayer, marriage, marriage proposal, no reservations, obligatory prayers
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Continually missing Isha Salat
I’ve been missing Isha prayer since childhood – It’s like the energy is drained or hands tied down when I plan to make wadu for Isha – Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged drained, energy, group, jinn, joining prayers, medical condition, missed prayers, obligatory prayers, possessed, predicament, salat, Salat al-`Isha, salat al-Fajr, Salat al-Maghrib, shy, sleep, tied hands
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