Tag Archives: permission
Baya with Another Shaykh
One of my friend took bayah from a shaikh but not following him ever since he took bayah. I showed him sufilive and Mawlana’s sohba and he is very interested in meeting Mawlana and take bayah. Continue reading →
Important Permission
Ya Sayyidi! I did bay’at of Mawlana Sultan ul Awliya about 4 years or more ago. Shaykh, I want to ask permission for leading Khatm Khwajagan and give bay’at of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim because many people were requesting… Continue reading →
Authority for Irshaad
We are experiencing a serious situation in Cape Town whereby the Naqshbandi khalifa here has asked some mureeds to leave the tariqa and join other tariqas. This was done via general email (sent out more than once), so it is not hearsay. Attempts to discuss/clarify this instruction have been denied… Continue reading →
Prayer Request: Urgent request of prayers for my grandfather
My grandfather is very ill these days and is almost bed ridden due to some sudden illness despite being a very healthy person. Please make special prayers for his fast recovery and good health… Continue reading →
After initiation I came across a post on this site where you advised someone that if you’re already a mureed of someone then you should take permission from your murshid first… Continue reading →
Moving to different country
Following the adab of tariqa, I would like to ask permission to move and settle in Cape Town, South Africa…. Continue reading →
Secret Nikah
What is the ruling on secret marriages in Islam? Continue reading →
Permission for Dua-e-Saifi
Also I would like to know why would one need permission to recite the verses of AALLAH ALMIGHTY??
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Du`a for a Sister
My question to you is that if this same is practiced by some other sister( along with Daly Awrad or Awrad is included in it ? ) to benefit as she is facing many difficulties in her relationship?[fr]My question to you is that if this same is practiced by some other sister( along with Daly Awrad or Awrad is included in it ? ) to benefit as she is facing many difficulties in her relationship?[/fr] Continue reading →
Bayah to Molana Shayakh Nazim
Can i get the bayah and tawajah of Mulana Shayakh Nazim as i am already bayat on the hands of a naqshbandi mujadadi shayakh in Pakistan. Continue reading →