Tag Archives: permission
Intention for perfoming hajj
I am planning to perform our hajj this year with my family.We would like to take your permission.
Ayub Khan, Nazbeen,Mohammed Bilal,Yumna. Continue reading →
General permission for seclusion
Recently Mawlana Shaykh Nazim gave general permission on sufilive for seclusion… Continue reading →
can sit in seclusion from beginning of zul qaddah upto eid… Continue reading →
Prayer Request: Itikaaf
InshaALLAH I want to sit for the very first time in three days itikaaf. I need… Continue reading →
Prayer Request: Haj inshaAllah
Is There Permission For Hajj For me This Year?… Continue reading →
Umrah 2012
I am planning to perform umrah some time before summer next year if Allah gives me… Continue reading →
Going to Hajj or helping our brothers?
Insha Allah, I intend to go to Hajj this year, but I feel that I am selfish to spend… Continue reading →
Visiting Mawlana..
I would like to visit Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, however i am not a mureed. Can i still visit the Shaykh Continue reading →
Please input of the teacher / murshid
I have the intention to set up / manage the dhikr and sholawat majlis at my house… Continue reading →
Prayer Request: Open the doors for marriage
I would like to get married to a person I have met. I have known him a year now and… Continue reading →