Tag Archives: recitation
Dream: Verses from Kuran
I see this dream hearing ayets from Kurani kerim and seeing written in a sheet and later to a pig… Continue reading
Fear of shirk during dhikrLa peur du Shirk (de l’idôlaterie) pendant le dhikr
I have a fire in my heart burning my soul that is asking me, “How can I make Dhikrullah without thinking about Him (and so mentally describing Him) and so making hidden Shirk during Salat and Awrad?” [fr]J’ai une braise dans mon cœur qui brûle mon âme et qui me demande : [/fr] Continue reading
To recite or not during menstruation
Alhamdulilah I’m converted. For many years I have recited Quranic short verses during the day while driving, before going to sleep, part of my Dzkir,while cooking etc. Continue reading
About wird
I am a bit confused on the daily wird. Continue reading
Sudden urge to recite..
About 4 months ago I was visiting family overseas. I still can’t forget that day and have wondered the reason for this.[fr]About 4 months ago I was visiting family overseas. I still can’t forget that day and have wondered the reason for this.[/fr] Continue reading
Recitation of Quran, dhikr, salawat in menses
When a woman has her monthly period, she cannot pray, read Qur’an or Delail ul-Khayrat, but should she still recite her daily awrad, which has Qur’an in it, as she does the rest of the month? Continue reading
Prayer Request: Chest infection
Dear Sayidi my sister has chest infection. She does not smoke or drink and is suffering from this sickness. Continue reading
Darood during menses
Can a woman recites Durood Shareef during periods? Continue reading
Dream: RasoolAllah (s) in my Umrah
I went to do Umrah. I saw glass doors which were not opening. Continue reading