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Tag Archives: religion
Dream: curtains of lace
i was in a crowd i saw a young dark haired woman she was among curtains of lace a woman was dressing her in beatifull lace then i heard a voice say i hope she will marry only by that way will she become a muslim… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `alim, dancing, religion, scholar
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salat in dreamsalat en reve
I saw a dream in which I am in an apartment with a man and his 10 year-old son, the TV is on high, the man walks out, the child walks and suddenly shouts out while stopping his ears as if to play. [fr]j’ai fait un reve où je suis dans un appartement avec un homme et son fils de 10 ans, il ya la télé avec le son fort, l’homme sors, l’enfant marche d’un coup pousse un cri en se bouchant les oreilles comme pour s’amuser.[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged apartment, dhikrullah, du`a, Mevlevi, protection, religion, remembrance, Surat al-Fatiha
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salat en reve
Signed a contract
My dream began with me being in front of people talking about Islamic issues. Then someone presented to me a paper that I had to sign which was about agreeing to some Islamic teachings. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged contract, good end, improvement, Islamic issues, little girl, marriage, power, religion, safety, Surat az-Zumar
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Prayer Request: For strong iman, taqwa and himma
Please make du’a for us that, Allah strengthen our iman, taqwa and himma to avoid haram and zeal to do Good. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged addiction, din, haram, marriage, pornography, religion, weakness
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Prayers in winter
1) In the UK, zohr is around 1 pm, assr around 2.45 pm and maghrib at 4pm. At work or if I happened to be out, it becomes sometimes difficult to do the 3 prayers on time, as they are in a 3 hour gap.
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Marriage half of faith?
Q: is it true that by marrying , you are fulfiling half your faith? Continue reading