Tag Archives: removal of difficulties
Test with property
Recently we were fortunate enough to buy a house. The people selling it were asked by our conveyancers of any planning application known by them in the area, to land or property. Just before we moved, we found that there was a planning application for one of the largest (apparently) wind turbines in this country which they did not disclose. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Miserable condition
I am having extreme waswas and can’t even pray properly.Now only you can save me from this calamity your know my situation better than. Please pray for me ya sayyidi. Continue reading
Dream: Walk with the Prophet
I slept after reading Fajr one morning before start of Ramadan, in my dream, i was walking in a garden and looking for Prophet Muhammad SAS and found him and started walking with him… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Work placement ASAP
O sayyidi I need a work placement with an accounting firm. I am applying everywhere I am not getting no response…. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Advice needed from MSH
I wanted some guidance from MSH specifically, if possible. I’ve been suffering from depression for years now and I see no way out. I feel like I’ve failed in life, haven’t achieved any of what I wanted to… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Physical and Spiritual Health
Please make dua for my physical/spiritual well being, [private]. I’m 17, been suffering depression for 5 years, became distant of religious practices, suffer with my stomach… Continue reading
Verbal abuse/social anxiety/trauma
I wanted to ask for prayer request from Mawlana Sheikh and for any amal/advice that will make my problems go away I have been suffering from verbal abuse and developed suicidal depression and extreme social anxiety… Continue reading
Dream: MSN vs secret of YA’SIN (K.Tourq)
Something prevented me from reaching MSN; but as soon as I started reciting the 11th verse of Ya’Sin (br. K.Tourq’s recent advice), I saw MSN in a dream as I wished… Continue reading