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Tag Archives: sheep
Prayer Request: Shukran Ya Seyyedi
By the grace of Allah SWT and your prayers my coaching (transformational) program for youth to enable them to join civil services… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged blessings, civil service, coaching, dhabiha, feed poor, goat, happiness progress, isra and mi`raj, khayr, qurban, sheep, slaughter, students, success, youth program
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if I slaughter sheep for the pregnancy of my wife, so that everything inschallah goes well , can I keep some of the meat?… Continue reading
Posted in Zakat & Sadaqah
Tagged `aqiqa, `aqiqah, amount, distribute, meat, poor, pregnancy, pregnant, quantity, relatives, safe delivery, sheep, slaughter, wife
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Following Mawlana’s advice
we are 2 brothers from tariqa in France, we both saw Mawlana, and he told us to make free market(he said buy and sell)… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged advice, cane, chicken, city, cloth, eggs, farm, financial difficulty, flea market, free market, French authorities, laziness, lazy, luggage, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, rings, sheep, stick, suitcase, truck
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Delay of `aqiqah
Q: Is it permissible for anyone who is unable to afford the price of two sheep at the time of ‘Aqiqah to slaughter only one sheep and delay slaughtering the second till it is possible? Continue reading
What does dhabiha mean?
I wrote to you and asked you for a duwa for my knee pain and you told me what to read, but I don’t know what meat to give as sadaka and if dhabiha is meat. Continue reading