Tag Archives: sins
Spiritual Effects of Sins
do sins effect the spirituality of a being? Is one’s soul permanently corrupted? Continue reading
Spiritual Disease affecting others
How is it possible to get my amal, dua, zikr answered without affecting anyone else? Right now the only thing that doesn’t affect anyone is salawat because it’s a straight request that doesn’t need to come down to me. Continue reading
The Claim that Shaykh Nazim is Infallible
What is your comment about the following statement, as translated into English: “And the Seniors of the Tariqa Naqshbandiyya Aliyya Haqqani claim that the sins of Shaykh Muhammad Nazim are no longer being Continue reading
Surah Saifi
my age is 26 i want repent my sins and i want to free from this burden and I’m very scared that one day i should have to stand in front of my almighty Allah Continue reading
Tauba and Baya
Sheikh I’ve read wakias of sheiks in past. If the mureeds did certain haraam things they would have to renew bayah. I wanted to ask I’m very weak due to this day and age fitna does that also apply nowadays? Continue reading
Prayer Request: Sins of the Past
My past sins are troubling me. They are tormenting me. its the things that i said against Islam in the past… Continue reading
Dwelling on Past Sins
What should I do if an old sin is afflicting me by counterproductive thinking about it cause I obsess about this thinking… Continue reading
Dream: bees
I have dream of a honey bee following me in my mums home, it felt as though it had picked up my scent… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Please forgive me
My name is [private] , I am from Jakarta. I am already ba’iat via website. Please… Continue reading