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Tag Archives: sister
Dream: Armpit
I had a dream sometime back,in which i see my armpit area has increased down till my chest on the side.It has just tiny hair and I hide it from people that I can’t let them know about this. Continue reading
Dream: Baby Boy from Wall to Ocean Swim
My sister sees me sitting with my back against a wall next to a beautiful baby. She pets him affectionately repeatedly and every time he lifts his hands to heavens and says, “Ya Rabb, ya Rabb!” … Continue reading
Dream: Kings funeral
I dreamt a while ago, that I was at a kings funeral with other people, Maulana Sheikh Nazim(Allah bless him) was there, my father a sister also, my father was explaining to me the reason why the king passed away because he had no one to protect him like in the way my sister was protecting me… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged al-Mahdi, father, funeral, janazah, king, Last Days, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, protection, sister, sultan
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