Tag Archives: smile
Making Mawlana Happy
Im going to visit MSN (qs) on the 4th April alhamdulillah insha’Allah… Continue reading
Dream: Same person smiling
I see a lot of dreams. Lately I see in many of them the same person of opposite sex smiling at me… Continue reading
Dream: Sutlan ul awwlia
1:In this dream I’m in a very large empty room similar to a masjid, all four walls are made of a transparent powerful light… Continue reading
noor on face
Sometimes a brother makes dhikr, recites the Quran, and then people come to him because they see noor on his face… Continue reading
Dream: About marriage
I see that a crowd of people are seeing Mawlana Shaykh Nazim go and I am helping him sit into a car… Continue reading
Dream: “We want him”
In my dream I saw the face of Molana Hisham Kabbani (Allah protect him) and Sayyidi Shaykh Molana Nazim (Allah give him long life). Continue reading
Dream: 2 dreams about the Prophet SAWDeux rêves sur le Prophète {SAW}
In my dream from a few years ago I see an aerial view of the surface of the earth. There are shining footsteps like liquid mercury.[fr]J’ai fait un rêve il y a quelques années dans lequel j’ai apercu une vue aérienne de la surface de la terre…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim welcoming meReve: Mawlana Cheikh Nazim me souhaite la bienvenue
from what I remember… I see people walking past saying to me they have seen Sheikh Nazim and that I have to see him.[fr]Ce dont je me souviens… je vois des personnes qui marchent devant moi en me disant…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: My grandfather and a Shaykh Rêve: mon grand-père et un Cheikh
I saw a dream that my maternal grandfather’s elder brother (who is a Sheikh of Chishtiya-Rehmanya Order at present) is sleeping on the bed while my maternal grandfather said something to him.[fr]J’ai vu en rêve que mon le frère aîné de mon grand-père maternel (qui est actuellement un Cheikh de l’ordre Chishtiya-Rehmanya)…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Photographing a child
I had a dream in which I see a brother(who I talk to online) and a small boy and he is our child. Continue reading