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Tag Archives: Spanish
A good Islamic school to attend?
There is a sister who is a revert to Islam from Mexico & her primary language is Spanish but she can communicate in English as well. She wants to go to an Islamic school perhaps abroad but she doesn’t know to what country & school… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged Islamic school, Morocco, Spanish
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Prayer Request: pedido de esposo
que quiere Dios para mi vida, què quiere Dios que haga ahora?..hasta ahora no recibì respuesta, puede ser que llegue?. Graciaas!! desde lifemi corazòn!! Gracias!! Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged espanol, husband, life purpose, marriage, Spanish
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Dream: Jummuah at Lefke
I dreamt about being in Lefke at Jummuah prayer, but it wasn’t Mawlana’s mosque, it was a different room, less light, less decoration, rustic, a few people were also there,.. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Argentinians, Cyprus, decoration, different, excellent dream, guidance, important, Lefke, light, manage, masjid, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mosque, mureeds, murids, numbers, paper, people, quoted, reading, rizq, rustic, Salat al-Jumu`ah, shining, sitting, sohba, Spanish, spiritual, suhba, suhbat, sun, Suras, Surat al-Hujrat, translation, verses
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si no es molestia les pido pongan ustedes el titulo astagfirullah Allah sabe mas
En una oportunidad que mi marido estuvo con Mawlana, él, nuestro amado shaikh, lo vió, le pregunto como se llamaba y de donde era, y con cara muy amorosa le marco con su dedo indice un circulo a la altura del corazon, toco con fuerza en el centro del circulo, y dijo “uno bueno”. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Spanish
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Dream: Mawlana Sheik
I was in a big circle of pleople, all dressed Naqshbandi. By my side a Spanish sister (I don´t know her)… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged behavior, black eyes, circle, dance, envious, eyes, follow, heart, hill, house, jump, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, miss, Naqshbandi clothes, ocean, run, Spanish, speed of light, spiritual trust, teachings
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una pregunta a Shaikh Hisham (q)
Hace 14años que intentamos practicar el islam. Vivimos en un pueblito en Argentina que elegimos para estar cerca de nuestros padres ya ancianos. hace 4años tomamos baya con Mawlana(q) y luego llego un joven con permiso y establecimos el dhikr alhamdulillah. La comunidad crecio. El joven emir siempre hizo contrario a lo que el adab del islam nos enseña en el orden social. mucho tiempo hicimos yihad de aceptarlo Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged adab, bad character, representative, Spanish
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como se establece el Baitul Mal?
snecesito si podrian informarme como se realiza el Baitul-Mal en una yamah siendo esto lo que nos manda a hacer nuestro querido maestro mawlana shaikh Nazim al-Haqqani. Muchas gracias Continue reading
Posted in Zakat & Sadaqah
Tagged Bayt al-Mal, Charity, registered charity, Spanish, treasury
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