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Tag Archives: special powers
Question about various beliefs in tariqa
I have been in tariqa for the last 10 years. While I absolutely love my shaykh and love our ways, I still have confusion
about many things. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Abdal, Akhyar, aqtab, awliya, Awtad, badal, budala, destiny, Friends of Allah, ghawth, Nujaba, pole saint, qutb, qutbs, special powers
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Rasputin from Russia – who was he?
We learned about Rasputin in history and how he had special powers, healing the sick but he also allegedly did some terrible acts. The Russians tried to kill him without success and no-one really knows if and when he died as his body was never found. Continue reading