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Tag Archives: street
Dream: Istikhaara for Marriage
I was wearing a red gown in a street at night accompanied by strangers and went shopping… Continue reading
Dream: Secret codeRêve: Code secret
I was walking in the street. A French person was distributing tracts to people…[fr]Je suis né en France et mes parents sont du Maroc. Voici mon rêve…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ancestors, code, ear, east, France, Morocco, Occident, Orient, physical connection, secret, spiritually-inclined, street, west, whisper
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Rêve: Code secret
Dream: Sheikh Hisham telling me things
I had a dream that I had been eating some new candies then I went into a room that the way was lit up and someone followed me then saw I had left only my clothes were there hanging. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged attraction, batil, candy, car, distinguish, faint, falsehood, friends, furqan, haqq, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, street, sweetness, sweets, swoon, tablespoon, tariqah, teaspoon, truth
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