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Tag Archives: suluk
Where to start
I fear Allah, Ta’ala, and do not want to cause fitna – but after a significant amount of dua’a with istikharah I have decided to make bayah to our Shaykh. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged personal transformation, spiritual path, suluk
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Stages of the Seeker
Could you please explain to me the stages of a seeker (salik) will pass through? Forgive me if this is not proper to be asked… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged adhwaq, books of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, fana fi 'r-rasul, Iman Bil-Ghayb, Muhammadan Light, Muhammadan Reality, Nur Muhammadi, perfected ego, salik, spiritual journey, spiritual seeker, spiritual stations, spiritual vision, stations of the heart, suluk, taming the ego
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Understanding Suluk
1. jamaa actually there are still some who smoke even though doing furtively, and I also give a copy of the shuhba… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ulema, addiction, advice, awliya, awrad, cigarettes, fajr, fire, ikhlas, love to Shaykhs, majlis, mouth, mureed, murid, practice, qibla, quit smoking, sidq, sincerity, smoke, smoker, smoking, suluk, support, truthfulness, wazifa, wudu
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