Tag Archives: turban
Dream: Shaykh Hisham wrapped my head
The other day I dreamed Shayk Hisham was in our house in the UK. He was resting in the room and I stood near by him watching him sleep. Continue reading
Dream: seeing Rasulullah (s) at Syakh Nazim’s house.
I dream I was at Mawlana Syakh Nazim’s house, no other people were there. Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Nazim in green
In my dream I see myself getting to a height physically. Then I look down and I see stairs that are covered. Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim
Recently I dreamt I saw Mawlana Shaykh Nazim in green robe and black turban. Continue reading
Dream: holy nose of Prophet saws
I saw Saidouna Mouhammad salla allahou aleihi wa sallem. He was about 20 years old. Continue reading
Dream: Shayk Abdul Qadir Jailani and Shah Naqshbandi
I had a dream where Syahkh Abdul Qadir Jailani in left and Shah Naqshband in right help and support me from above. Continue reading
Dream: Offering Nafil Prayers
I saw that I was reciting Surat-ul-Fatiha with English Translation and then I saw that I am in a mosque doing Wud’u. Continue reading
Dream: Sufi and Knight Templars
I dreamed that I was going in the direction of a building and at the way coming from it, I met someone, which I recognised as a brother from Naqshbandi Tariqa Continue reading
Pakistani culture or truth
Q: question concerning pakistani reasons for doing certain things.overtime when certain things were done the elders in my family would say you shouldnt do this because of so and so. . Continue reading
Dream:imagination regarding kaaba
One day as i was trying to sleep an i was closing my eyes,i imagined kaaba sharif and imagined as if i were entering it. Continue reading