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Tag Archives: wearing hijab
I want to start wearing hijab
Can you please do a prayer request for me, I want to start wearing hijab inshAllah. My name is [private] and I come from a conservative family. My parents pray 5 times a day and fast and my mother covers up (long sleeves and long pants) however she does not wear hijab… Continue reading
Angels and hijaab
Salaam alaykum,
I have heard that the angels do not come in the room or a house where is a woman without hijaab. I mean in a normal clothes what she can use with mahrem like t-shirt and skirt, but not in full hijaab.
Is this true? And if so, should we woman keep the hijaab even at home, so the angels may come and give blessing to the house and its residents?
JazakalLaahu khayran. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged angels, home, mahram, requirement, room, wearing hijab
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Wearing a headscarf
Wanting to wear a headscarf but family says other people have disgraced the name so you cannot wear it and I only want to do it for my self and Allah but I can’t not listen to my family… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Financial problems
I live in Europe and am a divorced woman with sons. People won’t accept me with hijab to work… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request, Women's Issues
Tagged banned, head scarves, head-cover, Islamic modesty, rizq, seeking employment, single mother, wearing hijab
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My hijab or my spouse
I have a huge problem, I recently had a reawakening of my deen and I took a hijab. When I got married I wasn’t a hijabi and when I decided to take the hijab my spouse didn’t object.. Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce, Women's Issues
Tagged attractive to husband, headscarf, Islamic modesty, outer-appearances, wearing hijab
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My family is Kaafir
My mother’s family are kaafir, and my grandmother forces me to take off my hijab when I enter her street… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Women's Issues
Tagged against Islam, Islamic modesty, problems from family, sabr, unbelievers, wearing hijab
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I want to clear up some confusion regarding hijab. I have studied some basic fiqh & understand its wajib for a woman to cover her hair…
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Posted in Halal & Haram, Women's Issues
Tagged deeds are by intention, Islamic modesty, mahram, wearing hijab, work
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Author claims hijab not necessary
Your opinion is requested on the claims of Ibrahim B. Syed… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Women's Issues
Tagged head scarves, Islamic modesty, wearing hijab
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