Tag Archives: white clothes

Dream: Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)

I was sitting on a chair in a room and there was a table in front of me on which there was the body of RasoolAllah(s.a.w) and it was his dead body… Continue reading

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Dream: About food distribution

I was wearing a white kurta with a white cap. There was also somebody wearing a white attire accompanying me… Continue reading

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Dream: GrandShaykh (Q) Giving Advice

Last night, few hours before going to sleep, I read the Dua of GrandShaykh (q) which I downloaded from the Naqshbandi website…[fr]Last night, few hours before going to sleep, I read the Dua of GrandShaykh (q) which I downloaded from the Naqshbandi website. I was very inspired by the words and meanings of the Du’aa and my heart was touched and then I intended to recite this dua daily. [/fr] Continue reading

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Dream: Shaykh I don’t know

Recently I had a dream. I saw a shaykh with a red beard. I have never met him before… Continue reading

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Dream: Noor

My mother told me, many years ago she had her dream, where she is sitting in the middle and on the right and left are all women sitting with white clothes and noor reflecting off them… Continue reading

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Dream: Seeing the Prophet Isa (AS) in my dream

I had a dream a few months ago, it was just before Fajr salah. I dreamt of seeing Prophet Isa AS… Continue reading

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Dream: Giving a talk on Iman Mahdi(as)

I had a dream where I was giving a talk, on Imam Mahdi(as). There was so many people as far as my eyes could see that were attending and they were all dressed in white, coming and going, sitting and standing. Continue reading

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