Tag Archives: white light
Dream: Mawlana is Pure White Light
When I dream Mawlana Syaikh Hisyam gave me a piece of paper. But Mawlana Syaikh Hisyam was in form of white light (the whole body, looked like a silhouette but in white).[fr]When I dream Mawlana Syaikh Hisyam gave me a piece of paper. But Mawlana Syaikh Hisyam was in form of white light (the whole body, looked like a silhouette but in white).[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara for marriage
Please may I request advice as to a response that I had recieved from performing… Continue reading
Dream: Shining bright light
I had a vision while I was half asleep and half awake and I see just white bright shining light,… Continue reading
Dream: Noor
My mother told me, many years ago she had her dream, where she is sitting in the middle and on the right and left are all women sitting with white clothes and noor reflecting off them… Continue reading
Dream: Maulana Shakyh Hisham in Red Turban
– I dreamt that Maulana was playing with my baby niece. I then kissed his hand, on his finger he had a silver ring in shape of the Prophet’s footprint (like what he has on his turban)… Continue reading
Lower to higherQuestion: Lumières blanches dans le Coran
A while ago, under the instruction of a spiritual master in India I was guided to continually recite Surah Jinn and use breathing exercises to raise my qudra.[fr]Il y a quelque temps, sous l’instrution d’un maître spirituel en Inde il m’a été recommandé de réciter la sourate Jinn et d’utiliser des exercices…[/fr] Continue reading
Seeing white light and feeling energyVoir une lumière blanche et sentir de l’énergie
I am seeing a white celestial silver light since May 2002 … Recent months high energy level increasing inside my head like powerful water, making a thoughtless situation very easy.[fr]Je vois une lumière blanche argentée depuis May 2002…Ces derniers mois, un haut niveau d’énergie s’accumule dans ma tête comme une eau avec un puissant débit,[/fr] Continue reading