Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Near Death Experiences
Q: Can you advise from an Islamic perspective please what western society calls NDEs or Near Death Experiences? Some souls leave their bodies and allegedly have the option to return to continue to the hereafter or return to dunya… Continue reading
Dream: seeing Jesus as a Christian?
…when I was about 11 years old, I saw a dream in which Jesus was in a dark room with some evil people torturing him in invisible ways. Jesus was in great agony, running about the room and screaming, trying to free himself. When I woke up I felt a deep human connection to him and never disliked him afterwards, but adopted the view that he was misunderstood, but I still didn’t subscribe to the Christian doctrine… Continue reading
Are Angels Higher than Human Beings?
Q: Are angels superior to messengers? Continue reading
Is the Prophet (s) the Best of Creation?
Q: Is there ijma` (scholarly consensus) that the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam) is the “best of creation”?
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4 spiritual enemies
Q: I would like to ask you to please explain the difference between Shaytan, Nafs, Hubb ud Dunya (Love for this world) and Hawa (Desire). I thought that Shaytan is the one who makes people to have bad nafs, hubb ud dunya and hawa or are they each seperate? Continue reading
Tahir ul Qadri
Q: There is a person in pakistan, named as Tahir ul Qadri. People call him as Sheikh ul Islam. but he has been very controversial in the past. He has very strong knowledge of Quran, Hadith and other texts but he’s been chiefly controversial due to his dreams in which he claimed to have the vision of Prophet peace be upon Him and he said some things attributed to Prophet and his dream which a practising Muslim rejects at once.Do you have any info that what type of person he is? Continue reading
Following only one school of fiqh
Question: If one follows a school of fiqh does he have to follow it in every matter; if he does not, is he a person of bidah? Answer: No to both questions. For example, Shafi`is in Hajj routinely follow the … Continue reading
Do some `Aqidah matters make one fasiq?
Q: Are there matters in Aqeedah that does not make one kafir but Fasiq? Continue reading
Is wiping over khuffs a tenet of faith?
Question: What is the ruling on a person that does not believe in wiping over the leather socks as a practice of the Prophet (s) and is it part of `Aqeedah – tenets of Faith? Answer: He is a person … Continue reading
Calling a Muslim ‘kafir’
Question: What is the ruling on a Muslim that calls another Muslim kafir and publishes it? Answer: Ibn `Abidin in his Rasa’il (2:291 Sall al-Husam al-Hindi) said that a Muslim who unjustly calls another Muslim kafir commits kufr if he … Continue reading