Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Haddad

Reading Horoscopes

Q: What is your opinion about reading horoscopes (from newspaper or website etc.)?

A: Reading horoscopes is strictly forbidden and believing them endangers one’s faith. Continue reading

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Good Luck Stones

Q:What is your opinion about wearing gemstones (with the intention that Allah may make my luck better through the effect of these stones)?

A: Allah Most High is the Provider for everything great and small, not blind fortune or
luck. Continue reading

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Investing in Stocks

Q: What are your opinion about the business of shares (stock exchange)…?

A: It is preferable to invest in gold but interest-free bank accounts may be used. Continue reading

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Does Creation Have Rights over Allah?

Question: Is it correct to say that creation has rights over Allah? Answer: Only in the terms the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) said: “Do you all know what right Allah Most High has over His servants? The right … Continue reading

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Is Belief in al-Mahdi Part of Islamic Creed?

Q: Is belief in al-Mahdi required in the beliefs of Muslims, in particular Ahl as-Sunnah?

A: Belief in the Mahdî is Obligatory in Islam Continue reading

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Hadith Which Says Prophet Ibrahim (as) “Lied” Three Times

Q: There is a hadith in Bukhari which says that prophet Ibrahim (as) lied on three occasions. Did the prophet Ibraheem (as) lie, because a sahih hadith of Bukhari states that prophet Muhammad (s) said so?

A: It is wrong to say: Ibrahim lied. Adab requires that we only say: the Prophet said: “Ibrahim never lied except for three lies…” Continue reading

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Making Prostration (Sajdah)

Questions: “I have two questions. The first concerning sajdah. Do knees touch “the ground first, or do hands? I remember someone quoting a hadith “about not making sajdah like a camel. What does this mean? Answer: The only school that … Continue reading

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Non-Muslims Handling Quran

Q: I am not Muslim, but I own a fine printing of the Qur’an which I received as a gift from a Muslim student…

A: The story is told of a man named Bishr who was coming home drunk one rainy night and who saw apiece of paper with some writing on it in the mud. Upon closer examination he saw that the writing was the name of God in Arabic, ALLAH…. Continue reading

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Is Kingship Accepted in Islam?

Q: The question was asked whether there is “such a thing as kingship or princeship or royal families in Islam and Shari`a.”

[fr]Q: The question was asked whether there is “such a thing as kingship or princeship or royal families in Islam and Shari`a.”

A: Proof-texts for the concepts of malakîyya – “monarchy, kingship, royalty” – and mulûkîyya – “monarchic rule, monarchism, kingship, royalty” – as viable systems in Islam and Shari`a…[/fr] Continue reading

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Do Leaders Reflect Their People?

Question: The information I have is: Yahya bin Hisham from Yunus bin Abu Ishaq from his father reported that the Prophet (s) said: “Your leadership will be a reflection of you (the people).” [Mishkat] Arabic text: “Kama takunoona kazalika yuwammaru … Continue reading

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