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Author Archives: Hajjah Naziha Adil
Use of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device
I will like to know if it’s ok to use the Intrauterine contraceptive device. What is the best contraceptive method… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Women's Issues
Tagged contraceptive, health, intrauterine
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Putting a Pet to ‘Sleep’?
Q: I have a cat who is 15 years old. She has had a skin disease that she keeps scratching till it bleeds. It is an open wound around her ear, and it is spreading… Is it better to put her to sleep, or is that against Islam to kill her?
A: Islamicly, you can’t put your pet to sleep. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Halal & Haram
Tagged animal, cat, disease, kill, pet
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I have heard that black seeds are very good for health.
How to use black seeds?
The Prophet `alayhi ‘s-salam advises that people eat it and use its oil as an ointment. Continue reading
Removing Ears of Wax
Asking a way to get rid of ear wax?
You need to check the ear wax problem with an ear doctor as the ear is sensitive. Continue reading
Question: Salaam Hajjah Hope you are well. Just wanted to ask is there any particular cure for depression which is causing sleepless nights, difficulty to control anger, remain upset all the time? Thank you Hajjah. May Allah bless you always. … Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Health
Tagged basmala, depression, salawat, ta`awadh
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Shaving Newborn’s Hair
I have always wondered why some people shave the baby’s hair a few days after his birth?
It is Sunnah to shave the baby’s hair seven days after its birth. Continue reading
What to Recite for Money Problems?
Question: salaam hajjah is there anything we could read for financial problems? for sumone who is realy struggling finding work and is not earning enough to feed family and cover bills etc. wsalaam Answer: Assalam `Alaykum, Recite seventy thousand times: … Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged du`a, financial, money, recite
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Plucking Eyebrows
Question: Asalamu aleikum, I would like to know if it is haram for women to pluck the eyebrows, or cut them, or remove the connecting part above the nose? I found two hadith stating that the Prophet (saw) has prohibited … Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Women's Issues
Tagged eyebrows, halal, haram, husband, pluck, wife
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Women and Mosque Attendance
Q: Would you please mention the adab (etiquette) of women attending the mosque?
A:…Women should be assertive in forming regular women’s meetings at their local mosques to study Islam and to discuss Islamic solutions to women’s issues… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Salat - Prayer, Women's Issues
Tagged adab, children, disorder, education, etiquette, masjid, meetings, mosque, respect, socialization, women, worship
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Requirements for Women Fasting Ramadan
Q: Please provide some guidelines on the requirements of women fasting during Ramadan.
A: … Allah grants special mercy for women, and requirements of worship are less stringent for them than for men… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Siyam - Fasting, Women's Issues
Tagged breast-feeding, exemption, Fasting, haram, hardship, illness, menses, nursing, ramadan, sadaqa, siyam, travel, work
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