Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Prayer Request: Need your help

May i get Zikr is there specifically to pay off debt quickly and get a better job and enchance spiritual abilities for me, why everytime i said and i thinking of mawlana syaikh nazim my heart always shimmy Continue reading

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Dream Interpretation

I had a dream that there was an evil l looking women at my window screaming to get in and a lady dressed in white outside the house and yard staring at this evil women trying to get in at my window. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: sinful sons

I would like to ask Shaykh Hisham to pray for my son’s. They grow up here and they don’t follow anything from our Islamic religion. Continue reading

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Confusion about living under the rule of a tyrant
Confusion about Living under the Rule of A Tyrant

I am writing from Cairo, Egypt. I feel really confused these days regarding what is going on… Continue reading

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Confusion about Living under the Rule of A Tyrant

Prayer Request: To be a work at home mother
Finding a job that will allow me to work from home and raise my baby…

I am a first-time mother of a 4.5 month old baby. Living in Canada, I am very fortunate to be able to take one year off from work to stay at home with my baby… Continue reading

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Finding a job that will allow me to work from home and raise my baby…

Ijaza to visit you

I am asking for me and my family to have permission to visit you in Michigan, InshaAllah… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: My Father is ill
My Father is ill

Ya Sayadi Please can you do dua for my father? He is the treasurer at our local mosque in the UK, Greater Manchester… Continue reading

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My Father is ill

Prayer Request: Marriage breaking down
marriage breaking down

I am separated from my husband for 7 months. We have a 6 week old son… Continue reading

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marriage breaking down

Meeting for Marriage
Meeting for Marrige

Ya Sayadi, I have been talking to a brother online 4 about 2 years now. He says he likes me as a person and would like to meet me to consider marriage… Continue reading

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Meeting for Marrige

How to stop backbiting
Back biting

I have often been catching myself judging harshly people in my surroundings, backbiting, and criticizing… Continue reading

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Back biting