Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff


Please give me dua and zikhar to protect to me my family from enemeis and black magic please help me quickly and make dua for me… Continue reading

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Permission to visit Shaykh Nazim

Please may I have permission to meet Shaykh Nazim after the month of Safar with my family… Continue reading

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Dua to look attractive

Is there any dua I can read that will make me look attractive. A Dua that will bring Nur a glow to my skin… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Intense fear of shirk

I have a fire in my heart burning my soul that is asking me, “How can I make Dhikrullah without thinking about Him… Continue reading

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I recently took by Baya and am new to the Naqshbandi way of dhikr.., Continue reading

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Hadrah in Hadith

Please can you provide us with some insight as to how the hadrah started, it historical context and what are the positions of the Ahlu s-Sunnah wa ‘l-jama’ah… Continue reading

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Peeling Skin

Pls tell me a medicine for my face skin peeling,and for red spots on my face… Continue reading

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Skin Care

Since my teenage years I have had spots and blemishes which are very noticeable.Also my skin can become very oily… Continue reading

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God says that every disease is descended with a cure, so kindly tell me what is the cure for vitiligo from God. Continue reading

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Rules of salat

I have a question regarding salat. I heard multiple accounts regarding the combination of prayers such as dhuhr with asr and maghrib with Isha… Continue reading

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