Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Dream: Unknown

Not long a go I was about to fall asleep at the time of 8.30am (bad sleeping habit I guess) until I suddenly felt like I was losing my soul or being possessed… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: my sins are very heavy

Could you please pray for me I am very stressed I have commited a big sin which I regret now dear sheikh please pray for me my my sin has trapped me I want to get out of it but I can’t and I have to keep lying again… Continue reading

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Should we or should we not?

We are in a major dilemma at the moment, my family members desperately want to start a business and have an idea in mind that they feel would work. However, with every step they make forward, they seem to end up making two steps back.. Continue reading

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About sleeping less

My question; How can I sleep less without my body collapsing on me, because I want to take up on the valuable advices of our Prophet(saw).


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Please could you send me the translation in English of the taveez and how it benifit us? Thank you
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Prayer Request: istikarah to move out of UK

I lost my job last year in the UK and i have also not been able to find a suitable wife in the UK despite looking for a long time. Continue reading

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Dream: Enemy relatives and bright red carpet.

Please may I ask about a dream I had more than 15 years ago? I saw my enemy cousins, 2 female adults and Continue reading

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dull face

my problem is regarding my face. it is so dull and dry. is there anything i could do to brighten it or anything i could recite to have noor on my face? Continue reading

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paper money will collapse??

I have heard from 1 Sheikh online that paper money will collapse and people will use some other kind of money. Continue reading

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i’ve been readin daroode khizri for about a year 10 000 timesdaily, alhamdulilla. Continue reading

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