Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff
Are we allowed to pray namaz behind the wahabbiya by Syed Irfan Shah Mashadi Pouvons-nous prier derrière les wahabi ? Question posée par Syed Irfan Shah Mashadi
[fr]Veuillez regarder la video où Peer Syed Irfan Shah Mashadi(qs) a dit qu’on ne pouvait pas prier derrière les Wahabi, Déobandi…[/fr] Continue reading
Please help me, often I have bad thought in mine head when I have this thoughts, I can’t eat;I can’t sleep, I have 2 children and it is hard for them to see their mother like that. Continue reading
To recite or not during menstruation
Alhamdulilah I’m converted. For many years I have recited Quranic short verses during the day while driving, before going to sleep, part of my Dzkir,while cooking etc. Continue reading
حلم بدون تفسير
حلم السلام عليكم شيخ جبريل حداد لم يكن باءمكاني قراءة الحلم الذي تحت عنوان *حلم مع شيخ ناظم* فهل تتكرم حضرتك وتنظر مالسبب في ذلك حتى أتمكن من قراءة التفسير. جازاكم الله الخير السلام عليكم Answer: See post “حلم مع … Continue reading
How to do Meditation according to HAQQANI way?[fr]How to do Meditation according to HAQQANI way?[/fr] Continue reading
Mortgage with interest
I bought 4 years ago an apartment on credit that I sold 3 years later without premeditation, clearing a profit allowing me to pay 40% cash advance for the purchase of another apartment in a residence currently under construction. Continue reading
Newborn child
I’m seeking advice regarding a newborn baby. Inshallah my wife is expecting our first son in about 1 months time and i’m asking what should one know/practise once the baby is born.e.g like doing azaan,cutting hair..etc Continue reading
Awliyah or Jinnat?
Question: A brother asked me a question about the ruh of the tariqa of Shaykh accept it as mureed, and explained that Anbiyah, Shuhada and Awliya do not die, as sourata al Baqara and that Allah grants them the skills … Continue reading
permissibility of Music in Islam?
Q: My question is regarding the permissibility of Music in Islam, I can hear different opinion about it’s permissibility, I’m wondering whether Musical Instruments are allowed or not? Continue reading