Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Al Dajjal

Q: Can you tell us more about the dajjal what is he going to do? Someone told me that about Dajjal yuhyee wa yumit is it true ? Continue reading

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In Vitro fertilization from divorced husband

Q: A husband and wife fertilized an egg and stored it in a fertility clinic. Since then, they have separated through divorce. The wife would like to have the fertilized egg planted in her womb now that the divorce is final. Continue reading

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In Vitro fertilization from deceased husband

Q: A husband and wife fertilized an egg and stored it in a fertility clinic. Since then, the husband has passed away and the wife would like to have the fertilized egg planted in her womb. What is the legal ruling for this scenario? Continue reading

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‘Ya Muhammad’ Esaale Sawab

Q: As salamu alaykum, please could u tell me whether it is possible to say Ya Muhmmad, and provide some references if possible, also about esaale sawab ( reciting for the dead). Continue reading

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Muraqaba during menses

Q: Is it allowed to do Marqaba and daily awrad during menses? If not then what should we do? Continue reading

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Awrad for ladies

I am not very clear about the awrad in one way. I read that during menses women can recite and do their awrad. Continue reading

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Female circumcision

Q: Female circumcision is islamic? or cultural, from africa?[fr]Q: Female circumcision is islamic? or culutral, from africa?[/fr] Continue reading

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Q: I am worried because I ve taken online baya a week before via both sites (Home of maulana and but maulana sheikh nazim has not given any response to me. Continue reading

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Poor Marriage Choices

Question: Salaam I am a 34 year old British Muslim who has been divorced twice and currently in his thrid marriage. My current wife is from Pakistan and has been living with me in the U.K. for three years, When … Continue reading

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Maulana’s instruction to stay home in the evenings

Q: I am a revert murid (45 years old), unmarried and living and working in a small city in England with almost no Muslims. I have no Muslim friends here and the nearest Dhikr is 40 miles away. Continue reading

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