Dream Interpretation
Dream: Green Wreath
I am writing on behalf of our sister and friend who saw in her dream 2 days ago another sister and friend in Tariqah dressing her head with a green wreath made of plant leaves and dressing her shoulders with a green wrap like fur or scarf made of green leaves. Continue reading
Dream: Dajjal and Mahdi
I had a dream in which I heard Mawlana Shaykh Nazim or Mawlana Shaykh Hisham say «We will show you Mahdi». Continue reading
Dream: Seeing None
Question: Auzobillahi minushaytaanir rajeem…. Bismillahir Rehmanir Raheem Assalam o Alaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu Ya Sayyidi, Ya Hajjah and Family, Sayyidi, I want to see you all the time everywhere, in my dreams and when my eyes are open, I … Continue reading
Dream: Shaykh Standing Silent
Dream: My salaams and respect to Shaikh Hisham. About 1 year +some months ago Shaikh came to me in my dream much younger than he is now. He stood in a corner on my room as if he was waiting … Continue reading
Dream: Grandfather Dying in One’s Arms
As last night itself, I dreamed of my late grandpa. He was suffering in bed because in the room there was a silver ring with a Saphire stone, and it was this ring which made him sick. He wanted to make duas on him, I cried for my mum to make it but in vain, he left dunya in my arms.[fr]As last night itself, I dreamed of my late grandpa. He was suffering in bed because in the room there was a silver ring with a Saphire stone, and it was this ring which made him sick. He wanted to make duas on him, I cried for my mum to make it but in vain, he left dunya in my arms.[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Buraq
In a dream recently, I saw Maulana Sheikh Nazim saying to me, that I should say: ‘Enna buraaq’. What does this dream mean please? Continue reading
Dream: To See Prophet Jesus (as)
Q: I had a dream when In the days i really wanted to see sayidina Isa alahi Salam in the dream you told me to see the only way to see him is to obedient to your mother. Continue reading
Dream: Horrified at Ka`aba
Dream: salam , I had a dream few days back which really horrified me. I saw me, my mother and a few relatives…. I saw we were at Kabba and I am not able to perform salat? I am really … Continue reading