Halal & Haram
Herbs extracted in alcohol for medicinal purposes
I would just like to ask if we are able to use herbs extracted in alcohol for medicinal purposes. The amount of alcohol used is unknown… Continue reading
Bank Interest
I am IT Student, Having Serving Account for purpose of college fees & other payments, Continue reading
MASturbation problm!!!
m 18 yr old…soometimes i feel some mood to masturbate… Continue reading
Working for financial Institution like Bank/ Investment firm dealing with Riba
I am a Computer Professional working with Oracle Database. Is it permissible to work as a Database administrator for a financial Instutution like a Bank or investment firm like on Wall St dealing with Riba – Interest… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Project music hit song
i am working on a song with an artist and i want to know if i have the permission to make one hitsong without thinking that i am doing something wrong. Can you also pray for me that i will be successful with my projects? I really appreciate your Dua. Continue reading
Is clapping permissible? either in Hadra or not. As some say there is a hadith where the Prophet (pbuh) forbade this… Continue reading
Marriage to a non muslim
Firstly, can a muslim women marry a non muslim man? Continue reading
Interfaith marriage Moslem man with Christian woman
My beloved Shaykh, my question is, can we marry a Christian girl?…
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Forex (Currency)Trading is it allowed in Islam?
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if it is permissible to trade (buy/sell) shares (stock, commodity, currency)… Continue reading
What to do?
I married young and close to Ramadaan month. in the month of Ramadaan myself and spouse unfortunately committed error of being intimate while fasting (having intercourse). . Continue reading