Salat – Prayer
salah intention
Q: what is the correct niyat before salah? Continue reading
Q: If a woman gets a haircut,does it breaks her wudu or it makes hair wash compulsory for the next prayer? Continue reading
Salat najat
Q: Please, can you give me some details about the invocation we have to say in salat annajat. I don’t understand when I do tell it. Continue reading
Reciting a`udhu billah in Salat
Q: Are we alound to read ozabillah minishatan n rajeem anythime in our salah ? Continue reading
Yawning in Prayer
Q: When I pray, do Dhikr or recite the Qur’an, I regularly yawn a great deal. I try and fight it but without success. Can you give me some advice please as it interferes with my worshipping? Continue reading
wiping over the socks
Q: What kind of socks can we wipe over? Continue reading
Praying Jumu`ah at Ahmadiyya Mosque
Question: Assalaamu’alaikum, What can I do when there is no mosque near me? The nearest one is an Ahmadiyya mosque. Am I allowed to pray jama’ah there? If not, how should I do my Friday prayer? Thank you and may … Continue reading
Praying Behind Wahabi ImamPrier derrière un imam Wahabi
Q: I live in Saudi Arabia and here in most of the masjids the imams are either salafi/wahabi and they dont even recite basmala before fathiha. My question is whether we can follow that imam for prayer? [fr]J’habite en Arabie Saoudite et ici la plupart des imams sont wahabi ou salafi…[/fr] Continue reading
Ongoing Discharge and Ablution
Q: I have a question about purity for salat. I have constant vaginal discharge that does not stop between my periods. It is yellow in color. Do I need to make wudu before every prayer even if I do not lose my wudu, or does this discharge nullify my wudu? Continue reading
Picking Up Child During Prayer
Q: Is my prayer still valid and can I take (my child) in my arms when I pray and put her down in sajda? Continue reading