Sufism (Tasawwuf)
How to do Meditation according to HAQQANI way?[fr]How to do Meditation according to HAQQANI way?[/fr] Continue reading
I want to be more spiritual
I want to be more spiritual please can you advise me what I need to do, I already pray 5 times a day and do tasbee reading. Continue reading
Reading dalail ul khairat in daily zikr
If one has the “Dalail ul Kherat”, does he have the liberty to choose among one hizb of dalail daily or 100 times salwaat? Continue reading
Q: salaam, i have just recently started to read namaaz, but i do not feel peace when i’ve read my namaaz, (astaghfirullah) i also think negatively towards everything and anything majority of the time. Continue reading
I get no solace visiting my grandfather’s mazaar or taking any name of any awliyah. Continue reading
Not happy, not married and depressed
I was wondering if you could help me with my situation. I am trying to control my lust. [fr]I was wondering if you could help me with my situation. I am trying to control my lust. [/fr] Continue reading
I want to ask about an apology from me to the person that I first love. What do I have to do for an apology to be accepted by him? Continue reading
Prayer Request: Depression and Worries
I am very depressed due to many severe problems caused by unknown people.. I never harmed them. Continue reading