Tag Archives: `Arsh
Vision of an elephant
Following The Islamic Meditation program, I was listening to the guided meditation audio soundrack, with my eyes closed, and I had a faint vision of an elephant… Continue reading
Dream: Prostration under the Throne of Allah
Dream: I was dreaming that I was on the train where I usually read Islamic books. Then I saw the throne of Allah Descending. I felt such pressure which I cannot describe. I prostrated before the Throne of God. All … Continue reading
Man or universe?
My question was based on two Ayat ul Quran that I read and I’m looking for a better understanding. Continue reading
Hadith of Jabir
Q: I would like to know what is the level (sahih, hasan, daeef, etc) of the Hadith of Jabir (ra). [fr]Q: I would like to know what is the level (sahih, hasan, daeef, etc) of the Hadith of Jabir (ra). [/fr] Continue reading
Lucid Dreaming
When we dream does our ruh leave the body? If so, are we aware of what our souls do? Continue reading
If not for you, Ya Muhammad (s) I would not have created creation
Question: ‘were it not for you oh Muhammad I would not have created the world’ Where is the above hadith? (apologies for asking but we are being asked by others). Answer: Indeed the Prophet of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam) is … Continue reading