Tag Archives: Ayat al-Kursi
Prayer Request: Sihr?
Is there Sihr black magic to destroy my family?… Continue reading
Dream: nightmares or truth
driving my car my kids in the back car has no petrol but i carry on driving with gret difficulty a little further but it really needs petrol and stops and suddenly car explodes i see fire in front of my eyes Continue reading
Dream: alone in ocean
I was on an inflatable boat with my sister and her daughter. We were all alone on ocean, no body and no land, only water. Continue reading
Prayer Request: I am sick and scaredIllness
Can you please pray for me? I am very sick and scared… Continue reading
Sister possessed
Q: my sister says she sees a being in her room sometimes and I just found out she was possibly possessed few days ago… Continue reading
Dream: Ayatul Kursi and Surats 112-114
I was being followed by a black bird walking behind me. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Protecting oneself from the evil eye
Asslaamu Alaykum Is there a Dua/Surah that one can read daily to protect onself from the evil eye (nazar)? I recite Ayat ul Kursi after every Fard prayer. Apart from this, Is there anything else that could be read for … Continue reading
Dream: seeing an evil woman
I had a dream of a woman who has evil features who has been coming in my dream since I was young. Continue reading
Affected By Magic
Question: salam Hajjah, My friend’s family, husband, wife and three childen got into black magic. Pity them. Please advise what to do. Husband did Hajj recently only one week he was ok, the rest fell sick. Alhamdulillah he managed do … Continue reading