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Tag Archives: blasphemy
Performing shirk/kufr in video game, playing as character that claims “godhood”
Are video games where the character himself, in the story, claims to be a “god” prohibited? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Halal & Haram
Tagged blasphemy, role play, video games
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Kufr in movies/music
I know that intentionally playing blasphemous lyrics is kufr. What if a person is watching a video/movie and someone says something blasphemous in the video? Does the person watching the video blaspheme? Or is he still a Muslim? Continue reading
What are the responsibilities of a Muslim on the blasphemy of our Prophet(s)?
Currently… produce their hatred (film) towards Muslim and Islam. Continue reading
Punishment of Shaatim
Is the punishment of Shaatim e Rasul (the one who commits blasphemy regarding… Continue reading
Posted in Qur'an & Tafsir
Tagged blasphemy, death penalty, insult
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Saint(Bazurg) Jinns coming upon individuals
I have relatives they claim for several years that Jinns come on a couple of individuals within their family. Daughter says that a Jinn comes upon her who is a saint in Jin Kingdom.She says she got this ability from her father… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Family Issues
Tagged acquired jinn possession, awliyaullah, bazrug, blasphemy, calling jinns, delusional individuals, Holy Qur'an, iman, incorrect beliefs, jinns, Prophet Muhammad (s), relationships with jinn, unbelief, world of Jinn, wrong ideas
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