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Tag Archives: blood
Natural Remedy for Anemia
I came across a natural remedy/recipe from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (qs) on the internet… Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged anemia, blood, low iron, natural cure
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Pink Blood Emmision
Unfortunately I am writing with something I wouldn’t expect. I have seen blood twice in sexual emmisions. Is this something I should bring to the attention of doctors… Continue reading
Dream: Quran
dream is about me walking around my town and i founded damaged Quran book ,not the book but the wooden box around it… Continue reading
Dream: Bleeding chest
I open the door, I saw a man coming in…then all of a sudden his chest started bleeding…I thought that i can help as i know CPR. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bleeding chest, blood, blood in dream, invalid dream
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Dream: Menstrual period
Many times now, I’ve had dreams about getting my menstrual period. Sometimes I… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged blood, period, repentance
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Blood stain appeared
My mother had just prayed Isha salah and came downstairs and when we returned back up,.. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged appear, appearance, blood, blood stain, diameter, downstairs, duvet, female jinn, house, jinn, mother, pass, prayer, prayer rug, Prayers, protection, read, recitation, recite, red, return, salat, Salat al-`Isha, sleep, stain, Surat al-Falaq, Surat al-Ikhlas, Surat an-Nas
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Dream: Hazrat Ali in Dream
Driving in a bad snow storm. There are cars crashed. It is dangerous so we start walking… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged accident, arrows, bang, blackness, blood, bloody, bows, buildings, cars, crash, dangerous, fireworks, heart, horses, Imam Mahdi, martyr, panic, Sayyidina Ali, Shahada, shahida, shoot, Signs of Last Days, snow storm, wife, window
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Dream: Glass jars
In my dream I am showed two pools of blood. Each with a glass jar by it. Continue reading
Dream: Blood pouring out of mouth and nose
I had a dream where I drank something and then I started to feel weird… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged black magic, bleeding, blood, cold season, drink, end of trouble, evil speech, health, household, mouth, nose, paymend of debt, sihr, winter
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Dream: Being shot by a gunRêve: Se faire tirer dessus avec une arme à feu
I had a dream that this one man in black has a big gun and has shot me but there is no sound of the shot, no blood, no pain…[fr]J’ai fait un rêve où cet homme en noir avait un gros pistolet et m’avait tiré dessus, mais il n’ y a pas de son du coup de feu, pas de sang, ni de douleur,…[/fr] Continue reading