Tag Archives: brother
Dream: Marriage in the Kabah?Rêve: Mariage dans la Kabah?
I saw in my dream the following happening: In the living room my father was standing and my eldest brother was also standing listening to what my father had to say. [fr]Voici ce que j’ai vu arriver dans mon rêve: Dans le salon, mon père et mon frère aîné se tenaient debout tandis que mon père parlait et que mon frère l’écoutait…[/fr] Continue reading
Prayer Request: Marriage and a happy family life
Life is very difficult for me and my family. Myself and two of my sisters are unmarried and have no children and we are all over 34. Continue reading
Dream: My grandfather and a Shaykh Rêve: mon grand-père et un Cheikh
I saw a dream that my maternal grandfather’s elder brother (who is a Sheikh of Chishtiya-Rehmanya Order at present) is sleeping on the bed while my maternal grandfather said something to him.[fr]J’ai vu en rêve que mon le frère aîné de mon grand-père maternel (qui est actuellement un Cheikh de l’ordre Chishtiya-Rehmanya)…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Regretful marriages
I’ve had 3 dreams in less than a month. In every dream my family and spouse are happy but I’m not and regret my decision. Continue reading
Dream: Photographing a child
I had a dream in which I see a brother(who I talk to online) and a small boy and he is our child. Continue reading
Prayer Request: To get citizenship in America
My cousin brother (rishad) for more than 13 years is in America but he did not get citizenship, although he applied it for many times. Continue reading
Dream: Mother and Son
There is an investigation and my mom just want to help around by explaining to the people who are inquiring that the individual is innocent. Continue reading
Dream: Shaykh and Grapes
I dreamed that I was with my brother and sister in a dining hall. Continue reading