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Tag Archives: change
Dream: Car Crash
Me, my mum and my sister were in a car in the evening driving to a wedding. My mum was driving… Continue reading
Dream: Spider biting
Last night my wife had a dream about a spider biting her, what does this mean?… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adab, bad actions, bite, biting, change, discipline, enter, house, jinn, limits, muhasaba, negative jinn, self-accounting, Shari`ah, spider
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Russia, Iran, Maulana Shaykh Nazim in home
1. I am in Russia(don’t know where exactly in Russia) and I see a train travelling from right to left…[fr]1. I am in Russia(don’t know where exactly in Russia) and I see a train travelling from right to left…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged al-Mahdi, change, Iran, Last Days, miraculous power, politics, Russia, Sayyidina `Isa (as)
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Prayer Request: Better job position
My husband has an opportunity that would involve a move and changes for our family. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Prayer Request
Tagged change, dhabiha, dhikr, financial stability, Gulf, job position, orphans, slaughter, travel, west
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Dream: big change
Dream: A bit before (or after convert I don’t remember) to Islam , I was doing many many zikr and one day , I was repeating “Al Hamdulillah” in my head while closing my eyes and it started to become … Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged aqtab, change, Imam Mahdi, qutb, spiritual poles
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Does `aqidah change over time?
Question: Does OUR Aqeedah change from generation to generations because we have ahad hadith and mutawatir. Answer: No. Al-Hamdulillah, our `aqidah is that of the Prophet (s) and the Congregation of the Companions without change, preserved until the end of … Continue reading
Change the bad to good
Whats the meaning of ” wala tanfusuna illa bi sultan”. If it is possible for them to get permission is it also possible to change the truth or to make the good ones bad ones and the bad ones to be good ones ? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged arch-liar, change, evil, good, power, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), Sayyidina Musa, Shaytan, transform
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