Tag Archives: Charity
Islamic Medicine
Question: Auzobillahi Minushaytanir Rajeem… Bismillahir Rehmanir Raheem. Assalam o Alaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu Ya Hajjah, Early Muslims had knowledges of human body mechanism when there was no sign of MRIs and Cat-Scans. and they were curing several people alhumdulillah. … Continue reading
Fixed-Rate Interest-bearing Bank Account
So, won’t it be better that a man keeps his money without any decrease or increase. He takes bank statements at some intervals calculates the charges deductions and balance, withdraws surplus money (profit) divides it among needy.[fr]A: Fixed-rate or otherwise, interest is haram.[/fr] Continue reading
Praying for the Dead and What Benefits Them
There is a hadith from Abu Hurayrah (R) saying that the “Prophet (S) saying only three acts benefit a deceased when he dies. Those being knowledge he gave, charity he spent, or the prayers of a pious son.”… Continue reading