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Tag Archives: mayt
Permissible to pray for my non-Muslim father?
I am a German Muslim and my father died recently but he was not a Muslim…Therefore I really want to pray for him seeking God’s forgiveness and mercy on him Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged adab, akhlaq, burial, death, excellent character, funeral prayer, good manners, ihsan, iman, Islam, janazah, kufr, mawt, mayt, rahmat, tafwid
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khatm after death
when someone dies my family do a khatm on the 3rd day after the death and then on the 40th day, does mawlana also do this… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged death, deceased, Holy Qur'an, khatm, khatm Quran, mawt, mayt, Quran recitation, tahlil
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Praying for the Dead and What Benefits Them
There is a hadith from Abu Hurayrah (R) saying that the “Prophet (S) saying only three acts benefit a deceased when he dies. Those being knowledge he gave, charity he spent, or the prayers of a pious son.”… Continue reading