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Tag Archives: crying
Hadhirat NabiHadhirat Nabi
One day before meeting Mawlana (before 1997) I was present in a wedding ceremony. Shalawat Nabi was recited, led by Kiai Asrori, a local wali.[fr]Un jour avant de rencontrer Mawlana (avant 1997), j’ai assisté à la célébration d’un mariage où des Salawat Nabi était récité par Kiai Asrori, un wali de la région…[/fr] Continue reading →
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged crying, love of Prophet (s), nail, Prophet Muhammad (s), salawat, sincerity, toe, true vision, wali, wedding, weeping, ziyara, ziyarah
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Hadhirat Nabi
Dream: Met the Prophet (saw)
I had a very strange dream where I was in a room and a person was praying. Another person beside me tells me, “that’s the Prophet (saw)”. Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `amal, akhira, akhirah, appearance, crying, deeds, difficulties, dunya, emotional, guidance, honor, piety, pious, Prophet Muhammad (s), reality, reflection, room, safety, Sayyidina `Uwais al-Qarani, sincere, sincerity, sirah, surprised
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Dream: sajda with angels
I had a dream that i was leading a sajda in front of something-i could not really see it and there were hundreds of angels around me who were also doing sajda, but then some angels got me up and told me to go back … Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `Arsh, ablution, angels, crying, forgiveness, prostration, sajda, soul, Throne, wudu
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Dream: In Airport
I´m a Mawlana’s moorid from Brazil and had a dream that disturbed me. I was in a place like an airport. My father came with another man I know, an Italian. He said he was leaving to work in Italy. Continue reading →
Dream: Invitation to a Monestary
Dream: salam alaykom Yesterday i was crying in public and there was a nun who saw me. She approached me and asked me if I’m ok. I said yes thank you. And she said you are Muslim correct? I said … Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged al-Mahdi, anti-Christ, Armageddon, blood, convent, crying, Damascus, heart, Jesus Christ, Last Days, nun, Sayyidina `Isa, tears, Tribulation, white minaret
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